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Using Wizer to shortlist

Shortlisting is harder than it looks. Say you advertise an amazing job at your organisation and get 300 applications. How do you sort these down to a shortlist?

AUTHOR: David Court

Shortlisting is harder than it looks. Say you advertise an amazing job at your organisation and get 300 applications. How do you sort these down to a shortlist?

Most people solve the problem by adding hurdles that applicants have to jump over. A minimum qualification, a particular type of experience, perhaps certain personal qualities. That knocks out most applicants.

The problem with this approach is that it pre-judges the question: who is best for the job? People get bundled out before they’ve had a chance to make their case.

The movie business does it differently. Rather than trying to prejudge who has the best new movie idea, it leaves the field wide open.

What it does is pay attention to who endorses a movie idea. If a good producer, director and actor team up and say they’re backing an idea, then the studios will give it a hearing.

In effect, the studios outsource the shortlisting task to the creative community. If enough people get behind a movie, then it’s in with a chance to be ‘greenlit’.

This openness to movie ideas means the studios have access to the best movie ideas in the world. And here it’s important to recognise that the best ideas often come from the margins, not the centre. From unlikely sources. 

So how can you be radically open to the best candidates, the best ideas and the best new business possibilities?

Wizer offers a unique solution to this challenge. Just like the creative team forming around a movie, it helps you assemble a ‘wise crowd’ that can rate the candidates and deliver a shortlist for your consideration.

It can’t make the decision for you, but it can give you insights and help you stay open to the amazing left-field candidates who might otherwise slip through your fingers.

– David Court

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