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The Crowd to the Rescue: Concrete Examples of Collective Wisdom

Crowd wisdom, or the concept that large groups can often provide more accurate and diverse solutions than individuals, is not just a theory. It's been demonstrated repeatedly in real-world scenarios across different fields and platforms.

AUTHOR: Kylee Ingram

The Crowd to the Rescue: Concrete Examples of Collective Wisdom

Crowd wisdom, or the concept that large groups can often provide more accurate and diverse solutions than individuals, is not just a theory. It's been demonstrated repeatedly in real-world scenarios across different fields and platforms.

  1. Galaxy Zoo: Citizen science at its best, Galaxy Zoo mobilized the public to classify over a million galaxies. By leveraging the collective power of countless individuals, researchers processed images and data at speeds they couldn't have achieved on their own.

  2. Foldit: Games are also playing their part, this online puzzle video game enables players to manipulate protein structures. Beyond being a mere game, players have resolved protein-folding conundrums that had stymied scientists for years, shedding light on various diseases and their potential cures.

  3. The Goldcorp Challenge: In an audacious move in 2000, mining company Goldcorp threw open its million-dollar geological data to the public. They initiated a challenge for the masses to pinpoint the next six million ounces of gold in their mine. The outcome was a gold rush in the digital realm: submissions from the public led to the discovery of 80% of the gold, revitalizing the company's assets.

  4. Kickstarter: While it isn’t a traditional problem-solving platform, Kickstarter presents a unique model of crowd validation. Innovators put forth their ideas to the public, seeking endorsement and funding. The crowd's backing, or its absence, becomes an instant indicator of an idea's potential success.

  5. OpenStreetMap: An ambitious venture to craft a free, editable map of the globe. Relying on volunteered geographic information from users worldwide, OpenStreetMap often outshines commercial mapping services in terms of detail and recency.

These diverse instances underscore a common theme: with the right tools and a varied crowd, multifaceted challenges can be approached more effectively. In today's interconnected digital era, the combined intellect of the masses offers promise and potential. From mapping our world to unearthing treasures beneath its surface, the crowd continually showcases its capacity to deliver remarkable solutions.

Of course at Wizer we are biased about the power of wise crowds but check out these stores for yourself.

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