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Intuition and Expertise: Navigating the Complexities of Decision-Making

In a thought-provoking episode of ABC's "All in the Mind," hosted by Sana Qadar, the enigmatic role of intuition in decision-making is explored, shedding light on how our subconscious processes guide us through complex decisions. This episode delves into the science behind intuition, featuring insights from experts like Joel Pearson and Valerie van Mulukom, who unpack the cognitive mechanisms that underpin our gut feelings.

AUTHOR: Kylee Ingram

In this week's episode of ABC's "All in the Mind," host Sana Qadar, explores the role intuition plays in decision-making. She shedding light on how our subconscious processes guide us through complex decisions. This episode delves into the science behind intuition, featuring insights from experts like Joel Pearson and Valerie van Mulukom, who unpack the cognitive mechanisms that underpin our gut feelings.

Joel Pearson, a professor of cognitive neuroscience, describes intuition as the brain's ability to process information and make decisions based on experiences and knowledge that we may not be consciously aware of. This process, often instantaneous, draws on the vast reservoirs of our subconscious, enabling us to recognise patterns and make judgments without deliberate analytical thought. Pearson emphasises that intuition is most reliable in domains where individuals have extensive expertise, highlighting the importance of experience in shaping our intuitive capabilities.

Valerie van Mulukom, a senior lecturer in psychology, further elaborates on intuition as a form of non-conscious processing that surfaces into our consciousness in critical moments. She discusses how intuition can alert us to salient information in our environment, often before we fully understand why we feel a certain way. This can be particularly relevant in making decisions where rapid assessment is crucial, but it also underscores the need for caution. Mulukom warns of the potential for biases to influence what we perceive as intuitive insights, reminding us of the importance of balancing intuition with critical analysis.

The discussion in "All in the Mind" also touches on the limitations of intuition, noting that while it can serve as a powerful guide, it is not infallible. The experts advocate for a balanced approach to decision-making that incorporates intuition alongside rational analysis, especially in business contexts where the stakes are high, and the consequences of decisions are significant.

This nuanced exploration of intuition aligns with the mission of Wizer, a platform designed to enhance decision-making by connecting individuals and organisations with a diverse mix of expertise and perspectives. By leveraging the collective wisdom and experiences of a wide range of contributors, Wizer aims to complement intuitive insights with a broad spectrum of knowledge and viewpoints. This approach not only enriches the decision-making process but also mitigates the risk of echo chambers and cognitive biases, leading to more informed, balanced, and effective outcomes.

This episode offers a compelling examination of the role of intuition in our lives, supported by scientific insights and expert opinions. We learn there is real value of harnessing both our intuitive instincts and the collective expertise to navigate the complexities of decision-making. To listen to the full episode click on link below https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/allinthemind/when-to-trust-gut-instinct-when-to-ignore-intuition/103374880

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